Dragonfly Bracers
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
These bracers resemble the iridescent wings of a dragonfly, one of the most accurate predators in existence, and quiver against your skin with barely contained energy. While wearing these bracers, you gain a bonus to your attack roll whenever you hit with an attack. The bonus is +1 on your first hit and increases by 1 with each consecutive hit up to a maximum of +4, but the bonus ends when you miss on an attack.
Dragonfly Bracers
Item 11
Invested, Magical
Price 1,225 gp
Usage worn bracers; Bulk L
These bracers resemble the iridescent wings of a dragonfly, one of the most accurate predators in existence, and quiver against your skin with barely contained energy.
Activate [one-action] (manipulate, morph) Frequency once per hour; Effects The wings flutter so quickly they become almost invisible, granting you incredible speed and accuracy. For one minute, you gain a +2 item bonus to attack rolls, and your Strikes don’t trigger reactions.