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Foxglove Pendant

by | Apr 23, 2024 | Bonfire Bites | 0 comments

Foxglove Pendant

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

This amulet consists of dozens of crystals cut in the shape of foxglove flowers. They emit a soft jingle audible only to the wearer when fey creatures are within 120 feet.

When you shake the pendant, it emits a melodic chime that functions as your offer of a nonaggression pact. The pact has a duration of 24 hours. All fey creatures within 30 feet who can hear the chime choose whether to accept the pact. If they accept, their attitude toward you immediately improves by one step, ending combat if they were hostile. For the duration of the pact, they regain 5 hit points at the start of their turn and have advantage on Wisdom saving throws while they are within 5 feet of you, and you have advantage on Charisma checks directed at them. If a member of the pact attacks another member of the pact, the aggressor becomes poisoned for the remaining duration of the pact and is no longer a member of the pact, losing all its beneficial effects.

Foxglove Pendant

Item 8

Auditory, Invested, Magical

Price 500 gp

Usage worn; Bulk L

This amulet consists of dozens of crystals cut in the shape of foxglove flowers. They emit a soft jingle audible only to the wearer when fey creatures are within 120 feet.

Activate [one-action] (manipulate) Frequency once per day Effects When you shake the pendant, it emits a melodic chime that functions as your offer of a nonaggression pact. The pact has a duration of 24 hours. All fey creatures within 30 feet who can hear the chime choose whether to accept the pact. If they accept, their attitude toward you immediately improves by one step, ending combat if they were hostile. For the duration of the pact, they gain regeneration 5 and a +1 item bonus to Will saves while they are adjacent to you, and you gain a +1 item bonus when making Diplomacy checks on them. If a member of the pact attacks another member of the pact, the aggressor becomes enfeebled 4 for the remaining duration of the pact and is no longer a member of the pact, losing all its bonuses.


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