Points Balance:  0 Goblin Gold

Golden Ticker

by | Feb 7, 2024 | Bonfire Bites | 0 comments

Golden Ticker

Wondrous item, very rare

This stopwatch is embedded inside a case that resembles a human heart. The case feels like it pulses when held in your hand, though there is no visible motion. Once a day, you can use an action to start the golden ticker, which records the amount of Hit Points you have when you start it. The hand of the watch ticks for one minute, making a full revolution across its face. If you have more than 0 Hit Points at the end of the minute, the ticker resets your Hit Points to the amount you had when you started it. This change is not considered a healing or damage-dealing effect. The ticker can’t be stopped once it’s started, and it can’t be used again until it rewinds itself at dawn the next day.

Golden Ticker

Item 15

Invested, Magical, Mechanical

Price 6,200 gp

Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L

This stopwatch is embedded inside a case that resembles a human heart. The case feels like it pulses when held in your hand, though there is no visible motion.

Activate [one-action] (manipulate) Frequency once per day; Effect The golden ticker records the amount of Hit Points you have when you start it. The hand of the watch ticks for one minute, making a full revolution across its face. If you have more than 0 Hit Points at the end of the minute, the ticker resets your Hit Points to the amount you had when you started it. This change is not considered a healing or damage-dealing effect.


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