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Illusory Poison

by | Dec 11, 2024 | Bonfire Bites | 0 comments

Illusory Poison

Potion, uncommon

This cartoonishly villainous crystal vial of poison is not poisonous at all. When you drink the potion, it creates the illusion of a sickly appearance upon you which makes you look like you are at death’s door. This illusion lasts up to 1 day, but you can end it early with an action. Creatures who see you must succeed on a DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) check to realize it is an illusion. Otherwise they perceive you as being severely injured by poison, and if you lie down or are prone, they perceive you as unconscious and dying. You can also use a bonus action to cough and create a greenish miasma around you. Creatures within 15 feet who can see you must attempt a DC 18 Intelligence saving throw, becoming frightened of you for 1 minute on a failure. On a successful saving throw, they are temporarily immune to this effect for 1 day.

Illusory Poison

Item 2+

Consumable, Illusion, Magical, Potion

Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L

Activate [one-action] (manipulate)

This cartoonishly villainous crystal vial of poison is not poisonous at all. The liquid is clear until you add one drop of a poison (be careful not to add more than that or the potion becomes the same poison as the last drop you added!). Then it roils, becoming a vivid green and churning up bubbles that coalesce into the shape of skulls and crossed bones.

When you drink the potion, others perceive you as being affected by the poison you added as though you failed its saving throw, but there is actually no effect on you. Anyone who examines you must succeed on a Medicine check against the DC of the potion to realize the symptoms are illusory. If you behave in a way that obviously contradicts the symptoms such as being able to drink a potion while sickened (making rolls without taking a penalty from conditions does not count as an obvious contradiction), they gain a +1 circumstance bonus to their check for each such behavior they witnessed. The duration of this potion’s effect varies based on its type. You can use an action with the concentrate trait at any time to end the potion’s effects.

Type minor illusory poison; Level 2; Price 6 gp
The potion lasts up to 10 minutes, presenting only as the first stage of the poison, and its DC is 16.

Type lesser illusory poison; Level 4; Price 14 gp
The potion lasts up to 1 day, presenting only as the first stage of the poison, and its DC is 18.

Type moderate illusory poison; Level 8; Price 80 gp
The potion lasts up to 1 day, and at the end of the duration of each stage of the poison of which it’s creating an illusion, you can choose whether its effects show you succeeded or failed your save. Its DC is 24.

Type greater illusory poison; Level 11; Price 250 gp
The potion lasts up to 1 week, and at the end of the duration of each stage of the poison of which it’s creating an illusion, you can choose whether its effects show you succeeded or failed your save. and its DC is 28.

Type major illusory poison; Level 15; Price 1,115 gp
The potion lasts up to 1 month, and at the end of the duration of each stage of the poison of which it’s creating an illusion, you can choose whether its effects show you succeeded or failed your save. and its DC is 34.


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