Pebble of Distraction
Wondrous item, uncommon
Once you drop this tiny pebble into someone’s footwear, it remains present for 24 hours and can’t be removed by nonmagical means. A creature wearing footwear that contains this pebble must attempt a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw prior to making a Wisdom (Perception) check. On a failure, the creature has disadvantage on the Wisdom (Perception) check due to the constant distraction. On a success, the creature is immune to the pebble’s effects for 1 hour.
Pebble of Distraction
Item 4
Consumable, Magical
Price 15 gp
Usage worn; Bulk —
Once you drop this tiny pebble into someone’s shoes, it remains present for 24 hours and can’t be removed by nonmagical means. A creature wearing shoes that contain this pebble must attempt a DC 18 Will saving throw before they make a Perception check.
- Critical Success The creature is immune to the effects of the pebble for 1 hour.
- Failure The creature has a –2 item penalty on the Perception check due to the constant distraction.
- Critical Failure The creature has a –4 item penalty on the Perception check.