Phoenix Quill
Wondrous item, very rare
This quill is a phoenix’s feather and still burns like embers in a dying fire. The heat that emanates from it is warm and comforting, however, not dangerous or scalding. Phoenixes must give away their feathers willingly for them to possess such benevolent qualities. You can write with this quill using any ink of your choice on a flammable medium such as paper, vellum, or cloth. When you touch the flammable object on which the message is written with the feather side of the quill with the intent to conceal the message, the material bursts into flame and reduces into a pile of ash. When someone touches a feather from the same phoenix to any amount of the ash with the intent to read the message, the ash reconstitutes into the original object with the message fully readable.
Phoenix Quill
Item 1
Price 20 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] (concentrate, manipulate)
This quill is a phoenix’s feather and still burns like embers in a dying fire. The heat that emanates from it is warm and comforting, however, not dangerous or scalding. Phoenixes must give away their feathers willingly for them to possess such benevolent qualities. You can write with this quill using any ink of your choice on a flammable medium such as paper, vellum, or cloth. When you touch the flammable object on which the message is written with the feather side of the quill with the intent to conceal the message, the material bursts into flame and reduces into a pile of ash. When someone touches a feather from the same phoenix to any amount of the ash with the intent to read the message, the ash reconstitutes into the original object with the message fully readable.