How to Paint a Warhammer 40,000 Sautekh Dynasty Necron Warrior

by | Mar 2, 2023 | Painting Guides | 0 comments

Cover Image Credit: Games Workshop. I know it’s way too big, but downsizing doesn’t really work with this site’s post builder.

Hey everyone, it’s been a while, but I’m back with another Warhammer painting guide. I got a Warhammer 40K magazine and this guy came for free with it, so I figured I might as well paint him up and do a guide for it. I’m doing the classic silver and green Sautekh Dynasty colour scheme, and I’m going for an old, tarnished silver look, as befits a robot that’s been entombed for a few millennia. As usual, I’m using the quickest easiest methods to get this guy looking good.

Wow, I can actually take professional-looking pictures now cause I have a proper backdrop!

1. Undercoat the model with a black spray primer. I used Citadel Chaos Black, my personal favourite. If you’ve got a silver primer you could use that instead, but be aware that metallic primer do act up sometimes and it might be hard to get your non-metallic paints to stick.

2. Start off by basecoating the entire miniature with Iron Hands Steel. Use a big brush and don’t worry about being neat, just make sure you get a good coat of silver over everything. Thin your paint a bit and apply two thin coats for a nice solid coverage.

3. Now grab a big fat wash brush and douse the entire mini with Nuln Oil. Be generous, but make sure you’re not swamping any areas with wash and obscuring detail.

4. Once that’s dry, get a smaller brush and apply some Agrax Earthshade into some of the recesses on the metal body of the Necron. Apply small patches of the wash onto the raised and flatter areas as well. This will get you a nice aged, dirty effect.

5. Once that’s dry, drybrush the metal body with Necron Compound (if you don’t have that, just use the Iron Hands Steel you used for the basecoat). Use a medium drybrush and don’t be too heavy; You want this to look like more of an edge highlight then a layer, to keep that dirty tarnished look.

6. Pick out all the black areas of the laser gun thing with an off-black: Vallejo Heavy Charcoal, Citadel Corvus Black, Army Painter Necromancer Cloak, etc. Use a size 1 brush with a good point and try not to get this on the metal areas.

7. Wash the black areas with Nuln Oil.

8. Edge highlight the black areas with Mechanicus Standard Grey and a detail brush with a good point. You can be rough with these highlights, to further the worn and battered look of the miniature. If you’re doing a whole army of these guys, you can safely skip this step.

9. Pick out the glowing energy nodes (and eyes of the Necron) with Corax White: Make sure to thin it down as it’s often thick, but this paint has amazing coverage if you get it nice and smooth. Heavily water the paint down so it’s nearly a wash and let it flow into the recesses of the nodes after you’ve picked them out to paint it easily.

10. Apply Hexwraith Flame or Tesseract Glow to the nodes, cracks and eyes and boom, glowing energy. Don’t be afraid to apply a good amount of the paint, and let it fill in all the recesses.

11. Lastly, we have the gun’s energy cable thing. Start off by paint all of it with Caliban Green.

12. Thin down some Warpstone Glow and apply it to about three quarters of the cable. Do a second coat on about half of it, and a third an about a quarter. If your paint is nice and thin, this will give you a gradual transition from darker to lighter green.

13. Give the cable a thick highlight with Moot Green.

14. Apply Hexwraith Flame or Tesseract Glow over the entire cable to tie it all together. If you want an easier way to do the cable, just paint it Warpstone Glow, coat it with Hexwraith/Tesseract and leave it at that. You might want to put a different green with better coverage under the Warpstone cause it has pretty terrible coverage.

There we go, that’s the Necron done. I completely forgot to paint the little symbol on the chest black and green, so just pick that out with your off-black, wash it with a bit of Nuln Oil, and pick out the raised design with Moot Green. Hope this is useful, drop a comment if you liked it and join the Lazy Paint Productions Discord Server at! I’ll see y’all soon (or later, most likely) with more guides and reviews!

<a href="" target="_self">Kaiden</a>



Writer & Community Manager of the Gallant Goblin, leader of Lazy Paint Productions, and generally a fan of anything D&D, Warhammer, and miniature painting.


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